Tax Assessor
(left to right) Pam Hudson, Paula Stewart, Todd Mooney. Logen Granger

Todd Mooney
Tax Assessor
Hours: 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM
Monday Through Friday
P.O. Box 730
100 Caldwell Drive
Hazlehurst, Mississippi 39083
Telephone: (601) 894-2721
Fax: (601) 894-3034
The Tax Assessor’s office appraises all land and buildings and other permanent improvements that contribute value to the land. Applications for homestead exemption are filed in the assessor’s office, beginning on the first working day of January through April 1st. The tax assessor’s office is also responsible for appraising all furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment, and inventory used in business operations. Mobile homes are also registered in this office.
First working day in January – Begin accepting New Homestead Exemption Applications or making changes to existing applications.
Homestead Exemption Information
February 1 – Last day to pay real estate, personal property, and mobile home taxes without a late fee.
April 1 – Last day to file for homestead exemption.
April 1 – Last day for businesses to file personal property renditions.
Last Monday in August – Property tax sale of all delinquent accounts.
October 1 – New millage rates go into effect.
Middle of December – Begin collecting real and personal property taxes.

Sidney Thompson (left), Shelton Rogers (right)